• Consulting


ON Group offers a complete consulting service to help you during your manufacturing project. Our qualified engineers and experienced support team are ready to assist you on-site in Europe or Asia.
While our service covers all aspects of your relationship with ON Group, we reserve special focus for these important aspects of the manufacturing process:

Supplier Qualification

Finding the right supplier is an overwhelming process. ON Group has a complete supplier qualification procedure. Our quality control experts will visit potential suppliers and analyze their abilities to verify quality. We take the guess-work out of finding the right supplier.


Even with careful planning, complications sometimes occur. Our global network of engineers is ready to provide on-site troubleshooting. We quickly provide support for any type of production process to get you back on track.

Quality Control

Trust is an integral part of the manufacturing process. ON Group takes your trust seriously by having dedicated quality control experts oversee all aspects of your project. To ensure your supplier is providing the quality levels you require, we perform quality inspections at all stages, PPAP, and more as needed. We have full SGS support. Rest assured, ON Group has your best interests at heart.

Project Follow-up

Is your serial production finished and shipped? ON Group isn’t. Our engineering, production management and quality control teams are ready to offer you direct, on-site project follow-up almost anywhere in Asia and Europe. With after-sales support partners in Europe, North America, and Asia we provide global project follow-up.

We offer a full-service manufacturing experience.

Let us supply a quote for your next project.

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